When putting a class or a conference session together, how much of your time is spent…
1. Creating PPT slides with clever quotes, diverse graphics, and lovely layouts?
2. Searching the web for facts and credible references to support your ideas?
3. Finding “proven” ways to change behaviors (i.e., change practice)?
Do you sometimes wonder if the professional development you design and deliver “looks good” and “seems engaging”…but may not actually get to a change in practice?
Impactful professional development centers on the mindsets, heart sets, and skill sets of adult learners…all at the same time.
Here are a few of my top tips to transform professional development:
Start with What. Start by digging into what you are trying to accomplish, what you hope for the learner, and what the learner needs in terms of access and support. Starting with what helps us to avoid deterministic thinking, where we believe we already know the answer. This type of thinking causes us to spend more time planning how to present information, how to sort groups of learners, how to use a particular technology, and how long to spend on various topics. By focusing on how before what, we miss out on digging deeper into the complexity of how adult learn.
Teach in the Green Zone. Did you know that while change is complex, it isn’t actually hard? Change only happens when we are in a zone of optimal learning (aka the flow or what we sometimes call the green zone). This means to get to a change in practice, learners need to feel calm, curious, and connected. Just like children, adult learners change their behaviors when they feel safe, seen, soothed, and have secure attachments.
Connections are Key. And speaking of connections, when we focus on creating connections between the learner and you, the learner and the content, and the learner with others, we create true communities of practice. When we focus on curiosity over competence and compliance we support a yes brain…one that is welcoming of new experiences, adaptable and resilient, and above all..receptive to new ideas!
Looking for more? Here are 100s of practical solutions…
- Give your ZOOM Room a Makeover
- Design Online Courses Using This Checklist
- Raise Everyone’s EQ with These PD Essentials
- Trigger the PEA and Stay In the Green Zone

Want more ideas? Try PD 4 PD Providers- it is the perfect series for anyone who designs and delivers professional development, plans conferences, teaches university classes, or is passionate about helping adult humans learn just about anything. Whether you are coaching, teaching, or presenting in person, virtually, on on-demand…this series is for you!