Ready to {r}evolutionize how you support adults with behaviors that are challenging? This blog contains tons of practical strategies for understanding what makes adult professionals “flip their lids” and how we can support and guide them back to the green zone.
12 strategies for reducing the impact of stressors
An infographic with evidence-based strategies for reducing the negative impact stressors can have on young children’s development and learning. Click here to download an infographic with 12 strategies for reducing the impact of stressors. Click here for the version when working with children.
Why Even Coaching Can’t Get To A Change In Practice
Conversation with Laura Fish about seeing the adult behind the behavior by “tuning” into the other adult’s perspective. When we do this, we have greater success in choosing strategies that prevent behaviors that challenge us (e.g., defensiveness, pushback, rigidity), promote emotional intelligence, and meet everyone’s three basic needs.
Coaching with Compassion: Expanding Your View On Coaching For Sustainable Results
Guest blog by coaching expert Jennifer Lopez on how to trigger the positive emotional attractor and coach with compassion to achieve a change in practice. You will also learn more about our new Deep Dive, “The Effortless Coach.”
The Role of Incentives In Achieving Desired Outcomes
Offering incentives is necessary to help us remain in the intentional change cycle where we practice new skills and mindsets. Learn how in this blog.