It all comes down to these three things: 1) How we show up (Dan Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson) 2) What we say yes to (Barb Avila) 3) Who we are in the presence of others (Isela Garcia) Feeling secure is the culminating effective of feeling safe, seen, and soothed. … [Read more...]
Guest Podcast: EMPOWERED with Rosie Acosta
What does it mean to feel powerful? What daily rituals help you step into your power? Are you shedding more light than dark? … [Read more...]
Why play matters in closing the achievement gap
I hear all the time from #ECE {r}evolutionaries how "others" just don't get it. "They don't see the critical importance of play as the context for early learning and development." This frustration with "others" causes us to look for the latest evidence, more credible evidence, more conclusive … [Read more...]
What Toddlers Can Teach Leaders About Saying No
Do you struggle to set clear boundaries? Ever find yourself saying "Yes" out loud, and screaming "NO!" on the inside? As a leader, we all can struggle (sometimes more than not), with knowing when to say "Yes", when to say "No", or even when to say "Maybe later". Why is it that we struggle? … [Read more...]
Power of Play in ECE
One of my missions is to reclaim children's right to learn through play. But how can we balance the pressure to be the sage on the stage and ensure children have desired experiences...AND be the guide on the side...or what I like to term, an ideal play partner? … [Read more...]