As we provide instruction, professional development, and learning to early childhood educators, we need to first and foremost be sure that we have done the inner work to then help others "use their words." … [Read more...]
Is Your Ethical Intelligence High Enough?
If I can't do anything useful, at least I would like to do as little harm as possible." From Jon Kabat-Zinn's "Wherever You Go There You Are". We used to talk about the importance of IQ, then emotional quotient (EQ), but what about ethical intelligence? … [Read more...]
Getting To Change in Three…Ok…Four Simple Steps
This post is from guest blogger – Misty Goosen, Ed.S. When it comes to behavior, I get really excited. Perhaps this is a result of my training as a school psychologist, or maybe I am just a nerd. … [Read more...]
Looking For a Change? Start With Your Habits!
How about you? Have a habit or two you'd like to get rid of? Is there a behavior in someone else you are trying to change but have seen little success? The answer is likely YES, and YES! … [Read more...]
How Being Aware of “Sharks” Improves Professional Practice
In this series, I'm exploring how #ece professional development is failing teachers. In my opinion, our professional development (PD) efforts do not include sufficient attention to supporting teachers’ social-emotional skills, and we need to approach PD from a more wholistic … [Read more...]