Labeling situations when we are consciously or unconsciously reacting out of fear, as “hearing shark music”, is a metaphor for when we are struggling to think rationally and respond thoughtfully. … [Read more...]
When We Compare…It Comes At A Cost
It's human nature to compare and to even judge...but at what cost? … [Read more...]
You Are Here
Carl Jung stated, “If there is anything we wish to change in the child, see if there isn’t something we can change in ourselves first.” Beginning a journey toward change, however, can feel like an overwhelming task. You might wonder, “Where do I start?”, “What steps might I need to take to affect … [Read more...]
Triggering The Positive Emotional Attractor To Achieve A Change In Practice
We are all looking for more buy-in, greater fidelity, and strategies that will get to a change in practice. Right? So how can this be achieved and how does identifying our superpowers help? … [Read more...]
A Spin on Self-Talk for Those Who Desire Self-Growth
As a part of the human experience, we all fail, learn, grow, and evolve. For many of us, this experience includes an effort to become more mindful, more aware, and more connected. The human life is, in essence, a journey toward wholeness. … [Read more...]