Increasingly, we've come to understand the important role emotional intelligence plays across contexts, disciplines, and the lifespan. The need for a high or strong EQ is particularly relevant for ECE leaders. Do you know how high your EQ is? … [Read more...]
Dear Inclusion, It’s Time To Evolve!
A phrase that I've borrowed from Grace Lee Boggs, and that I use all the time, embodies the spirit of this post by guest blogger, Dr. Andrew Goff. (That phrase?) "{R}evolution!" With the emphasis on the evolution of our thoughts, practices, and vision for inclusive early care and education. … [Read more...]
Here’s a Quick Way to Get from Identifying Needs to Identifying Strengths
Research supports the mindshift from focusing on needs, to focusing on strengths when we desire a change in behavior. For example, research suggests that positive affective states are necessary when engaging in problem solving and creative thinking, two necessary ingredients to ensure change and … [Read more...]
4 Ways To Ensure Staff Meeting Success
We've all seen it before right? The ribbon you can get for surviving a meeting that could have been an email. While funny, it's still a bit sad, particularly for those of us who convened the meeting. So what's the answer? How do we avoid the the rolling of eyes and passive engagement, and still … [Read more...]
What It Means To “Hear Shark Music” And What To Do About It!
Labeling situations when we are consciously or unconsciously reacting out of fear, as “hearing shark music”, is a metaphor for when we are struggling to think rationally and respond thoughtfully. … [Read more...]